In the wake of recent security concerns, such as the Home Depot and Target credit card breaches, the company confirmed that it has taken precautions to ensure that all payment and shipping information is encrypted and safely stored. 由于近期爆出了家得宝和塔吉特(Target)存在信用卡漏洞,人们对安全问题十分关注。Twitter坚信公司已经采取了预防措施,保证所有的支付和快递信息都将经过加密并得到妥善保管。
How often do you see projects stall because people are hiding critical information lest credit be taken from them? 想想有多少次,是因为人们怕他人抢功而隐瞒关键信息,致使项目停滞不前的?
If full credit for proper operation is taken, the operator stops the pump before he closes the MOV, and no interlock is then required. 当正确操作到全负荷时,在操作员关闭限压器以及不需要联锁前,停下泵。
While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, we cannot rule out the possibility. 尽管现在没有证据表明信用卡资料被盗,不过我们不能排除这种可能性。
Your credit rating is taken into consideration in just about any part of your personal life. 您的信用评级是考虑到的任何一部分,您的个人生活。
The credit fund has taken effect in western, but there are a series of problems in its collocation. 信贷资金在西部开发中起了很大的作用,但是由于种种原因,西部信贷资金在配置资源方面还存在一系列的问题。
The bonds, secured against financial insurance contracts ( credit default swaps) taken out against the pool of mortgage bonds on which investors wish to bet, are sold to long investors. 债券部分出售给多头投资者,其抵押品是为投资者希望押注的抵押债券池安排的金融保险合约(即信用违约互换(CDS))。
Teachers must get100 points to qualify and can earn credit by taking or having taken college courses in their content area. 教师必须要有100点才能算是合格;现在或是过去上过他们专业科目的大学课程都可以算分。
All credit to him because he's taken on more responsibility up top and not only is he scoring goals, he's creating them for others. 对他怎么夸都不过,因为他承担了更多责任,不仅是进球。他还为其他人制造机会。
Growth for the sake of growth especially by relying increasingly on the destabilising financial engineering of asset bubbles, credit bubbles and a flawed currency union has taken our system to the brink far too many times in recent years. 近年来,以增长为目的的增长尤其是越来越依赖资产泡沫、信贷泡沫和存在瑕疵的货币联盟等等有损于稳定的金融工程来实现增长已经把我们的体系无数次地推到了悬崖边缘。
William Conway, the Carlyle founder regarded as one of global private equity's smartest investors, recently highlighted the very risky credit decisions taken to finance buy-out deals. 凯雷(Carlyle)创始人威廉•康威(WilliamConway)被视为全球最聪明的私人股本投资家之一,最近他着重指出,为收购交易融资所作的信贷决策十分危险。
We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. 我们现在没有证据表明加密的信用卡号或者个人身份信息被盗走,或者加密的信用卡号和密码被破解。
Through has profited from the overseas success credit system reform pattern, Promulgated has taken to our enlightenment; 通过借鉴国外成功的学分制改革模式,揭示了带给我们的启示;
To strengthen banking credit supervision, measures should be taken as quickening the establishment of credit collecting system of insiders of banks and enhancing the openness and transparence of internal information of banks; 加强银行信用监管,就需要加快银行内部人征信体系的建设并增强内部信息的公开透明化;
How to further improve student administration work after practising the credit system is taken into new consideration. 并对实施学分制以后如何进一步做好学生管理工作,提出了一些新的设想。
The letter of credit is taken as the lifeline of international commerce. 信用证交易被视为国际商业的生命线。
In the part, an evaluating indicator system is built to analyze the effects of the reformation, and rural credit bank of Yinzhou is taken as an example. 构建农村信用社改革成效评价指标体系,以宁波鄞州农村合作银行为例,实证分析产权制度改革带来的效益。
The second part points the problem existing in static state credit risk supervise model taken by our country's commercial bank by analyzing domestic and static state credit risk supervise theory. 第二部分结合国内外信用风险监控理论的发展及现状,指出了我国商业银行采用的静态信用风险监控模式存在的问题。
Thirdly, further consideration of the credit positioning of China is taken under the background of joining the WTO; 接着,作者在WTO背景下对我国商业银行信贷定位了再思考;
Credit Rating Failure: Repayment Willingness Must be Taken into Consideration 征信失效:还款意愿问题须重视
Short-term transnational capital transference falls into 4 groups, legal issues concerning which go as follows: 1. Concerning the transference of trade capital, the settlement of export credit agreement and international trade must be taken into legal consideration; 短期资本跨国流动主要可分为四类,其法律问题有:1.贸易资金的流动,包括出口信贷协议和国际货物买卖中的结算。
The essay focus on the judgement of commercial credit standard with blurred maths methods, evaluates the fund credit level of customers who sell on credit, so as to effectively control the credit risk taken to enterprises by bad credit customers. 采用模糊数学方法对企业商业信用标准进行了模糊评价,评价赊销客户的资信程度,从而可以有效地控制信用不良客户对企业所带来的信用风险。
Regarding to credit risk identification and analysis, precautionary measures should be taken and risk points should be grasped, then credit risk can then be better prevented and controlled. 对贷款风险进行识别分析,要防患于未然,抓住风险点,可以更好的防控风险。
Black light District shows that there are serious risks of credit conditions and urgent measures should be urgent taken. 黑灯区表示信贷情况存在严重风险,亟须采取紧急措施。
The cash sale and the credit sale are two kinds of basic ways which regularly taken by enterprises while selling its products. 现销和赊销是企业在销售产品时经常采取的两种基本方式。
As an important and general category of ethical character, honesty and credit is taken root in social life of all levels and existed on the course and relationships, which developed by the mental and practical communication between all groups and individuals. 诚信,作为一种重要的普遍性的道德品格范畴,植根于社会生活的每个角落,存在于所有群体、个体的一切精神交往、实践交往过程及其关系之中。
Since then, bank real estate credit has taken a great important role in promoting the development of our real estate market. 从此,商业银行房地产贷款在推动我国房地产市场的发展上起到了越来越重要的作用。
Thirdly, the commercial bank credit rating is taken into consideration seriously during the business transaction and the buildup of cooperation relationship among the financial institutions. 第三,金融机构间的业务往来、合作关系的建立需要以商业银行信用评级状况作为基础。
Our country economic policy practice effect analysis indicates the credit policy that our government department has taken by has a good effect, but tax policy implementation effect is not good for real estate taxes on. 通过对我国经济政策实践的效果分析也表明我国政府部门历年来所采取的信贷政策具有较好的效果,但是税收政策因为房地产税负的转嫁实施效果并不理想。